Oh woe is me, I thought I had mended my printer but oh no it had other ideas, in the middle of a project it decided it had had enough, not only chewed everything up but will not spit it out now either.
At least the weather has improved but it is sooooo cold, looks like we may be in for a really cold winter this year. Lots of SNOW! maybe.
Am really busy in the craft room at the moment must admit lots of dare I say it Christmas projects, but I love the season so, got Christmas carols playing in the background, and it really helps the inspiration.
Thought I might have today off and go out with hubby somewhere but he's playing in a golf match so I'm on my own again, watching unique sweets on tv, if you've never seen this programme its a snapshot of shops selling desserts of all description, they look delicious.
Maybe even inspire me to do some baking, no dont think so will end up eating them, not good for the waist line.
Enough of the random gibbering have a good day and big hugs to all. x