
Click here for more graphics and gifs!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Well Merry christmas everyone and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Its finally here and all our expectations are running high, I hope you receive everything that you have wished for.
I have one more night shift then I'm going to chill and relax for a few days that's after cooking the Christmas dinner of course. once again have a cool Yule and most of all enjoy. Lots of Love Heather.xx

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Hi just about finished Christmas shopping, still got food stuff to get but hubby says he will do that. Guess its leg of mince for Christmas dinner then and only knows what for pudding, never mind its the thought that counts isn't it. Got a few requests to make for new year b'days so will still be crafting. Hope you are all up to date and really into the spirit of things now MERRY CHRISTMAS xx

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Hi, Just want to say thank you to the people who have left me some feedback. Thank you so much for the very positive comments I am really pleased you like my work.
Can't do anything more at present, working now right up until Christmas Morning.
Don't like travelling at night in the icy weather but the bills need to be paid, and the reindeer have a previous engagement. So put and shut as the saying goes.
Once again many thanks hugs to all H xx

Saturday, 17 December 2011

This is Gabrielle " Fantasy with Wings"
Hi everyone thought you might like to see an assortment of what is and has been done by me please have a look and leave some feedback all comments are welcome. Christmas shopping next on the menu have hung up my apron for the festivities. Hugs to all xx

Friday, 16 December 2011

Work in progress "Wings of Fantasy"
Also "Dark Secrets"
A work in progress  "Dark Secrets"
This is a Crafts u Print image cut out as a jigsaw
Dragons Ruins is one I designed for a commision
Cherry girl this is one of my early attempts at image compilation
Jem's Designs Fanta-Seas
Jem's Designs Baby Boo
Jem's Designs Baby Boo
This is from Jem's Designs Steampunk CD

Hello and Welcome

Christmas is so near now and I'm no where near ready, not even got my tree yet, hopefully I can persuade my lovely hubby to come with me tomorrow to pick one. If he doesn't want to go play golf.
Then I'm back to work right up until Christmas Morning. Who did that off duty  I hear you ask? ME how stupid was I, Oh well never mind this year has gone so fast I hope everyone enjoys the time off and has a wonderful time with friends and family. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Love to all. The Tidy Crafter  AKA Heather.xx